Saturday, July 8, 2017

Beer Review: Blank Slate Fork In The Road

Blank Slate Brewing Company is yet just one more brewery that we have here tucked away in the Cincinnati area, and this is a look at their Fork In The Road India Amber Ale. The beer itself comes in at an ABV of 6.85% and a nice IBU of 65. So as you can imagine, the hoppiness is present with this one. Pouring a nice red amber color, this beer provides a nice appearance from the body to its foamy head. Aroma and taste both come together with this beer and the balance between the malts and hops play out nicely. Check out my review here to see my full thoughts on the beer, and what led me to provide a personal Untappd rating of 4 out of 5.

Brewer Notes:

India Amber Ale. The first beer in Blank Slate’s “Traveling IPA” series. This beer sits squarely at the fork in the road where darker malts and brighter hops meet. Munich and CaraRed malts give it an amber color and bigger malt presence than a standard IPA. Generous amounts of Citra and Centennial hops remind you that it’s still an “India” style beer nonetheless.

AVAILABILITY: Year-round: 6-pack and draft
IBU/ABV: 65/6.8%
HOPS: Citra, Centennial
MALTS: 2-Row, Munich and CaraRed

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